Wednesday, 27 August 2014

WIP Wednesday

Here is my first WIP post of the blog!  Let's see how long it remains a WIP. (I meant the quilt.  The blog is going to be an endless WIP)

I received a lovely old tablecloth from a lovely person who knows that I love them and like to chop them up to use.  And that is exactly what I did!

Chop chop!  Cutting around the stains, I saved the good parts, which were many.  I did some patchwork with colours of new fabric - colours pulled from the tablecloth print.  I wanted to have more than just the pink and green however, so I added a print from the pearl bracelets line.  I love this shade of green-blue near the olive green.  A bit of a weird mix, but I love it.

I added a bit of embroidery with the greeny-blue colour to try to tie it in better, but I think I may save this square for something else...
Needs more detail...

 I am using this little lady though!

Ah, to dream in a field of giant flowers...

I would love to set a deadline for this piece, a finish by date...How about...Sept. 25?  That's random.  We'll see.

If you are reading this by way of a WIP link from another blog, thanks for stopping by!  Hopefully I will have much more to offer in the weeks and months to come!

Thanks for reading!

Linked to WIP Wednesday at The Needle and Thread Network

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tuesday is for Triops

Do you remember the band They Might be Giants?   (Particle Man, Istanbul (Not Constantinople), Birdhouse in Your Soul...)  I was a kid when I first heard of them, and now my children are fans too.  They got hooked (and myself re-hooked) with Science is Real.  Love it!  Love It All!!!  I could go on and on about how amazing the whole album is (I am not getting paid to gush here, folks!)  Please, take a listen to just one of these gems...

Then we borrowed Here Come the 123s from the library.  Hooked again!  We loved watching the videos too.  This one really caught our attention...  Triops Has Three Eyes

And this lead to finding out about Triops - and what do you know?  Triops is real (I suspected They Might Be Giants would be speaking the truth).  We sang about Triops for days.  Then came the question from my six year old - "Can we have a Triops for a pet?"  I didn't know, but after a quick internet search, lo and behold, you CAN have a Triops for a pet!

I see you seeing me...

It was ordered.  Then we waited, and waited, and waited. "Is Triops here?"  "When will it get here?"  "Is it here yet?" "No, I just ordered it this morning!"

Well, here it is!

And so we wait again for the hatching...  Updates will follow!